Legal notices
EPIMAR – IHPE – Unité Mixte de Recherches du CNRS – UMR 5244
Perpignan site:
University of Perpignan
Bâtiment R
58 Avenue Paul Alduy
66860 Perpignan Cedex
Director of Publication : Antoine Petit, president of the CNRS
Head of redaction : Christoph Grunau, Director of IHPE lab
Webmasters : Rémi Emans, Anne Modat
Hosting : IHPE, Université de Perpignan
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IHPE is not responsible for any errors in the material provided on this Web site and shall not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of any material found here.
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IHPE web site is the intellectual property of IHPE laboratory, protected by french and international legislation on copyrighted materials. No reproduction or representation can be carried out in infringment with the rights of CNRS resulting from the legislation referred to above.
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